Feel free to contact us with inquiries and suggestions or to request IR documents. Check that all applicable fields have been filled in before submitting.* Please click "Other Inquiries" button below if you are an ACOM customer and wish to send us comments, requests and/or questions.
- IR documents
IR documents are available for viewing and download on the IR website.
Privacy Policy
Consent to collection and utilization of personal information
Personal information obtained by ACOM in connection with customer inquiries and other forms of contact is utilized in accordance with our Privacy Policy for the following purposes only.
- Notification in relation to your inquiry
- Research on products and services tailored to your needs
Third-party access to personal information
ACOM will not divulge your personal information to any third party without your express consent, except under the following circumstances:
- Where required by law to do so
- Where such information is deemed necessary for the prevention of loss of life or injury or property damage and your consent cannot be readily obtained
- Where such information is deemed necessary for the purpose of improving public hygiene standards or promoting healthy childhood development and your consent cannot be readily obtained
- In response to a demand from a national or local government body or an organization engaged by government in the course of executing a task or process stipulated in legislation, where the act of obtaining your consent could jeopardize the execution of said task or process
View/modify/delete personal information
ACOM will make available any and all personal information collected and utilized by the company in response to a request from the legitimate owner of the information. In the event of errors or inaccuracies in said information, ACOM will immediately take steps to correct or delete the information as appropriate.
Optional fields
On the Inquiries page, the asterisk symbol (*) denotes required fields. These fields must be completed in order to register your inquiry. You are also required to consent to the Privacy Policy (by clicking Agree below).
Contact details
For inquiries in relation to personal information, including requests to view, modify or delete personal information
Public & Investor Relations Office
Weekdays 9am - 6pm (JST)