Promote diversity based on "The Spirit of Human Dignity"

The "spirit of human dignity" means that we have a constant sense of gratitude to all stakeholders, extending to shareholders and business partners as well as customers and employees, as we build relationships of mutual respect. We set respect for the fundamental human rights of all people as the foundation of our actions. By respecting, recognizing, and accepting each other's differences in attributes such as gender, age, ability, marital status, and nationality, we promote making the most of the innate abilities of all people and allowing them to do their best.

SDGs Items


Main Activities and Initiatives

Main Activities Targets and Initiatives for Each Activities
Creating a comfortable work environment (promotion of health management, consideration of diverse work styles) Number of employees working long hours (80< hours of overtime per month): 0 at the end of FY March 31, 2025
Implementing "Vision Penetration Program" to improve engagement Improve Employee Satisfaction Survey Results
Promoting Women's Participation (Promoting Diversity) Increase ratio of female managers
Providing Career Opportunities to Persons with Disabilities Employment rate of persons with disabilities (compliance with statutory rate)
Support for culture and arts Continuation of ACOM Miru Concert Monogatari
Implementing "Challenge What You Want to Start" Conduct campaign of supporting "New Challenge" three times by the end of FY March 31, 2025.

Introduction of Activities

Increase of Engagement

Promotion of Engagement Survey

Based on the Policy on Internal Environment Development and under our corporate philosophy, The Sprit of Human Dignity, we are promoting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and working to create workplace environments where employees can work in comfort and with thorough job satisfaction. Through implementing various policies, we are endeavoring to conduct fixed-point observation of engagement and to grasp issues and make improvements so that the performance of the organization and employees is maximized and corporate value increased.
As for initiatives, we conduct an employee engagement survey*1 provided by Link and Motivation Inc. Based on the survey results, items with a large gap between level of expectation and level of satisfaction are taken up as organizational issues and various improvements are made. As a result, our most recent engagement score was 59.7, good for an A ranking, our highest rank so far. In addition, in March 2024, companies with high engagement scores*2 among those giving out the survey were honored at the Best Motivation Company Award 2024 (large corporation division) and we placed in the top ten for the fifth consecutive year. Going forward, we will continue working to increase engagement between employees and the organization.

*1 A survey for measuring employee expectations and satisfaction in 64 items in 16 areas which impact employee engagement, in order to visualize the state of engagement in an organization

*2 A quantitative measure of the degree of mutual understanding between employees and the Company based on the results of expectations and satisfaction levels of all employees, calculated as a deviation value

Trend of Engagement Score

Vision Penetration Program

We have a vision penetration program to ensure that all employees understand the vision of ACOM, which is to "meet the expectations of all stakeholders."
This program is designed to further disseminate the vision by having employees communicate the vision to each other in their own words and deepen their understanding of it through dialogue. All employees, from executives to general employees, participate in this program.

Health and Productivity Management Promotion Structure

Declaration of Health and Productivity Management

In order to achieve "The Spirit of Human Dignity", "Customers First", and "Creative and Innovative Management", listed in ACOM's corporate philosophy, what I believe important is that all employees are physically and mentally healthy, and that they push forward their work with high engagement. For our employees and their family members to be able to spend a vivid life, I will endeavor to ensure our workplaces are conducive to our employees' pursuit of happiness.

October 20, 2021

Masataka Kinoshita

President and CEO


Promotion of Health and Productivity Management

We believe that the physical and mental health of employees leads to happiness for employees and progress for the company, so we enacted our Declaration of Health and Productivity Management in October 2021. We are working on that basis to build an environment in which our employees can "work with happiness and vitality."

Health and Productivity Management Promotion

Under the Declaration of Health and Productivity Management, Executive Officer who concurrently serves as director in charge of Human Resource Department, Human Resource Department, Hygiene Committee, Industrial Physicians, ACOM Health Insurance Association, etc. are cooperating to establish a Health and Productivity Management Promotion Structure. Moreover, we are promoting our employees' health enhancement by conducting an Annual Health Check-ups, stress examinations and employee satisfaction survey.

Health and Productivity Management Promotion

Major Initiatives

We implement the following initiatives to promote health and productivity management.

Measurement of Presenteeism *3 ・35.8% of Initiatives Achievement in 2023 (Target 34.5%)
Support for Mind and Body ・Prevented overwork by managing working hours, including supervisory personnel
・Introduced a mental health care curriculum into level-based training
・Discussed and implemented health and productivity management measures in collaboration with Hygiene Committee members
・Conducted office health and safety status check
Lifestyle-related disease prevention and cancer control ・Treated Medical checkups (secondary examination) as work time
・Provided general and specific health guidance during working hours
・Assisted the cost of physical examinations and cancer screenings
・Supported for improving exercise habits and eating habits through the Health Portal
・Ran walking events to establish exercise habits and health events hosted by employees
・Implemented measures (e.g., e-learning) to improve health literacy
・Held Health management event jointly with our business partner
Smoking cessation assistance ・Nicotinel patch cost assistance
・Support for smoking cessation challenge (health points)
・No smoking during working hours
Countermeasures against infectious diseases ・Influenza Virus Vaccine Mass Vaccination and Cost Assistance
Creating an attractive workplace ・Conducted employee awareness survey
Support for work-life balance ・Maintenance of various paid leave
・Partial paid parental leave

*3 Presenteeism is a condition in which productivity is reduced because of health problems. The lower the number, the higher the productivity.
The WHO-HPQ formula was used to administer the survey to 2,448 employees (96.4% response rate). The target value is the overall average.

  • Health management event held jointly with our business partner

    Health management event held jointly with our business partner

  • Health event hosted by employees

    Health event hosted by employees

Health Issues "Smoking Rate of Employees"

The smoking rate has decreased compared to the past. However, it is still high. The smoking habit can be a risk factor for various health problems. The smoking rate must therefore be reduced.

Supporting employees' efforts to quit smoking in cooperation with employers, industrial physicians, and ACOM Health Insurance Association

  • Regular incentives for nonsmokers and non-smokers (health points)
  • Disseminating information on the health hazards of smoking through the Health Committee and the company intranet/email
  • Promoted anti-smoking by displaying posters on World No Tobacco Day
  • Nicotinel patch cost assistance

Achievements and Targets regarding Health and Productivity Management

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Target
Periodic Health Examinations Consultation rate 100.0% 100.0% 99.6% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Smoking rate 31.8% 30.5% 26.9% 25.4% 24.4% 23.0%
Ratio of people eligible for general health guidance 44.9% 33.8% 28.5% 38.5% 34.8% 50.0%
Ratio of people eligible for specific health guidance 93.2% 93.8% 93.1% 96.2% 97.7% 84.0%
Stress Examination Ratio of taking examination 85.5% 93.8% 94.7% 93.0% 96.9% 97.0%
Ratio of of physician interviews conducted 14.2% 14.8% 13.4% 16.7% 17.5% 18.0%
Employee participation in health investment *4 - 96.6% 97.9% 97.9% 73.4% 100.0%
Status of Employee Health Literacy *5 - - - - 99.3% 100.0%

*4 Number of health points registered

*5 Ratio of employees taking e-learning about health and productivity management

Selected as a Certified Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organization

Hataraku Yell2024 Welfare Promotion Corporation

In March 2024, ACOM was recognized for its various efforts to help employees maintain and improve their health, and selected as a Certified Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organization jointly by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi for the third consecutive year.
We will continue to build an environment where "tomorrow can be even happier than today," so our employees and their families can lead lives of vitality.


Various welfare programs

As one of our corporate philosophies is "The Spirit of Human Dignity," we provides the working environment that allows each employee to realize his/her life plan. In addition to health care and leave systems which are the basis for the realization, we offers various welfare programs related to marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, childcare and housing.

Hataraku Yell2024 Welfare Promotion Corporation

In 2024, we were certified as a "Welfare Promotion Corporation" under welfare award and certification system, "Hataraku Yell." This certification is for the third consecutive year following 2022. We will continue its effort to improve the environment with the aim of "becoming a company where each employee can be happier tomorrow than today."

Developing Human Resources

Developing Human Resources

We provide a variety of training programs, including "level-based training " for new employees and employees who have been promoted, "theme-specific training" to acquire the knowledge necessary for business operations, and "selective training" to systematically develop future management candidates.

Promoting Work-Life Balance

Supporting a Balance Between Work, Child-rearing and Nursing

Supporting a Balance Between Work, Child-rearing and Nursing

Supporting Next-generation Education Programs


We were accredited by the Tokyo Labor Bureau of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as a General Education Provider under the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, and granted the right to display the Kurumin accreditation provider logo. We were committed to providing a safe and nurturing workplace environment which is sensitive to the needs of employees with children and which allows all employees to work to the best of their ability. To this end, the company pursues policies designed to promote an appropriate balance between work and family life.

Supporting Flexible Working Styles

We have following measures in place to promote employees' work-life balances; annual paid leave by the hour in the whole company, and flex-time system in some departments. We also adopts new systems to support flexible working styles , for instance employees can take seasonable vacation thorough the year.


Promoting Women's Participation

ACOM respects the abilities, ideas, and values of our diverse workforce and creates an environment in which each individual can play an active role. In the fiscal year ended March 2023, female employees--selected via open recruitment to form the Women's Activity Working Group--examined measures for promoting women's participation from their own perspective, and made recommendations to Directors. Action is underway to implement several of the recommended measures in cooperation with the Human Resources Department. In addition, we have established the Woman Career Program, a training program to help female employees recognize the need for autonomous career development and support the challenge of stepping out of their comfort zones.

Supporting Career Enhancement

We provides diverse career opportunities to support employees' career enhancement. For example, fixed-term employees are able to move up to full-time employees, and those who started their career with limited promotion opportunities can change their work course to broaden their opportunities. We also provides periodical opportunities for employees to assess and submit their desired career development plans in order to support their fulfillments.

Providing Career Opportunities to Persons with Disabilities

The percentage of employees with disabilities exceed the statutory rate at ACOM. (2.65% as of March 31, 2024) We are committed to have such employees satisfied and motivated to continue working at ACOM. Therefore, we have contact points available for them should they have concerns and/or difficulties working at ACOM.

Continued Employment of Retirees

Recognizing the increasing diversity of employees' life planning, and to support workers who wish to remain active after passing the mandatory retirement age, we have systems for ongoing employment of employees who wish to remain employed with the company.

"Challenge What You Want to Start"

For a long time, we have been marketing its products with the key message of "ACOM for First", but our support for "first" is not limited to the field of card loans. We are implementing the "Challenge what you want to start! Project" to support people taking new steps toward a brighter future and realize a society in which everyone can take on the challenges they want to make. This project invites people who want to try something new, and dispatches "Hajimete Coaches," who are professionals in their respective fields, to selected people to provide them with opportunities to try new things with a coach.

Social Contribution Policy

ACOM is dedicated to helping to boost quality of life by expanding the circle of confidence in line with the outlook of our original founders, as part of our basic business philosophy. This informs our desire to build strong relationships with the local community through a variety of welfare and local-based programs, to get closer to our customers so that we exist in harmony with society.

Arts and Culture

ACOM Miru Concert Monogatari

The ACOM Miru Concert Monogatari series is held for the benefits of local communities throughout Japan. Launched in 1994, the concert series has been performed over 270 times to a combined audiences of about 250,000 people. The concert is a unique show combining silhouette theater with live performance by a trio of piano, violin and cello. It is is designed to be "barrier-free" concerts, accessible to people with disabilities to ensure that it reaches the widest possible audience. There is a sign language interpreter on stage and seating for wheelchairs is provided.
When ACOM "Miru" Concert Monogatari Performances are held, we purchase goods from local vocational-training facilities as prizes distributed to audiences. In addition, we entrust operations of enclosing pamphlets and other documents to a vocational facility for mentally-challenged in Ota-ku, Tokyo.

The ACOM Miru Concert Monogatari activity received award of excellence in Japan Mecenat Award* 2018.

* Association for Corporate Support of the Arts, with supports of Agency of Cultural Affairs, grants awards to 7 excellent corporate activities that significantly contributed to an affluent society by promoting arts and culture.

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