Compliance Activities in Practice
The Company regards compliance as one of its most significant management challenges. It has been the forerunner in the industry to thoroughly practice compliance as shown by its establishment of "ACOM's Ethical Codes for Business" (currently the ACOM Group Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct) in 1998.
Compliance System
The Compliance and Risk Management Department is in place to supervise companywide practice of compliance. It is also in charge of: developing, reviewing, and follow-ups of implementation plans with regard to abiding to relevant laws and regulations; establishing, updating, and dissemination of a compliance handbook which summarizes laws and regulations employees must abide by; awareness raising through implementation of various training courses; and responding to reports and requests for consultations from executives and employees made to the Ethics Hotline. Also, "Compliance Offices" have been placed in the Credit Business Promotion Division and the Credit Management Department.
These offices collaborate with the Compliance and Risk Management Department to provide a system for enforcing more task-relevant compliance practices on sites. Furthermore, we have established a Compliance Committee consisting mainly of experts from outside the Company, and by adopting a framework of deliberating items that are important for establishing and strengthening the compliance system, the Committee strives to ensure the effectiveness of compliance.
As outlined above, ACOM is engaged in a continuous challenge to strengthen its structure to establish a corporate culture that emphasizes compliance while further improving each and every employee's awareness.
ACOM Group Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct -
Compliance Handbook for Employees
Ethics Hotline (Whistleblowing)
The Company has established an Ethics Hotline as a contact point for executives and employees to report and consult when they recognize violations or possible violations of compliance. The Ethics Hotline aims to prevent scandals and minimize the impact and damage caused by them through early detection of internal problems regarding compliance and appropriate corrective measures. The Ethics Hotline strictly prohibits acts of retaliation for inquiries and consultations made, as well as searching for and identifying the reporter/consultant. Moreover, it thoroughly manages information. We are working to improve the usefulness and reliability of the entire whistleblowing system, including the Ethics Hotline, so that it is easier for executives and employees to use.
Action to Strengthen Financial Crime Countermeasures
There are demands for financial institutions to further sophisticate their countermeasures against money laundering and terrorist financing amid the increasing threat of organized crime, terrorism, etc. in the international community. Under such circumstances, the Company newly established a Financial Crime Prevention Office in April 2019 and strives to build a preventive system on money laundering and terrorist financing to prevent illicit activities involving our products and services.